Tag Meeting Minutes

CSHCA General Meeting Minutes, December 2023

President: Elizabeth DoyleVice President: Eileen BoyleTreasurer: Des RohanMinutes: Doreen MillerNumber in attendance on Zoom: 19; In person: 30? Police Report (Officer Keaney) 11/21, 3 AM. A speeding car on Columbia Road and Dorchester Ave ran a red light and was…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 11/28/23

Chairs: Alix Giannetti, Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger Caroling Event, Tuesday, Dec. 12, 5:30 – 7 PM, with a rain date of Wed. Dec. 13 We would like to hold this stationary event in the front yard…

Safety Committee Meeting Minutes, 11/21/23

Chairs: Dianne Lescinskas, Jennifer DeablerMinutes: Doreen MillerSpecial Guest: Matt Moran, Director of the Transit Team, Policy and Planning Division of the BTDTotal number in attendance: 11 Updates from Matt Moran Matt introduced himself and his position within the BTD. He…

CSHCA General Meeting Minutes, November 2023

President: Elizabeth DoyleVice President: Eileen BoyleMinutes: Doreen MillerSpecial Guest: John McColgan, Pear Square CollaborativeNumber in attendance: 20 in person; 41 on Zoom Police Report (Officer Keaney) 10/3, 9:30 PM, 299 Savin Hill Avenue. A large black male was standing outside…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 10/24/23

Chairs: Alix Giannetti, Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Maeve Waldron-Lynch Business Cards To the prototype We added a QR code on the back to our Instagram account. We changed “About” to “Web.” Added “Follow Us: @events_columbiasavinhillcivic” Heidi…

Safety Committee Meeting Minutes, 10/17/23

Chairs: Dianne Lescinskas, Jennifer DeablerMinutes: Doreen MillerNumber in attendance: 11 Turn Onto Buttonwood Street Blocked Off The left turn from Columbia Road onto Buttonwood Street has been temporarily blocked off by the city. It is because of safety concerns of…

CSHCA General Meeting Minutes, October 2023

President: Elizabeth DoyleVice President: Eileen BoyleTreasurer: Des RohanMinutes: Doreen MillerAttendance numbers: In person – 15; on Zoom – 36. Updates on Procedure Elizabeth Doyle explained How the agenda follows the By-Laws How the E-Board Meetings will now take place on…