Tag Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting Minutes – November 4, 2024

President: Bill WalczakVice President and Host: Eileen BoyleTreasurer: Des RohanCorresponding Secretary: Elizabeth DoyleIT Manager: Taufiq DhananiMinutes: Doreen MillerNumber in attendance: ~16 (in person); 29 (on Zoom) Administrative Business The October Minutes were approved. Treasurer’s Report as of 9/30/24 $19,933.57 in…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 10/29/24

Chairs: Michelle Miller, Alix GiannettiMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger Tree Lighting at Ryan Playground Saturday, November 30, at Ryan Playground, in the evening, exact time TBA. Des Rohan is working with the city on this. Alix will let…

Safety Committee Meeting Minutes, 10/22/24

Co-chairs: Dianne Lescinskas, Jennifer DeablerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Madison Foley (city liaison), Heidi Moesinger, Matthew Moran (city transportation department), Liam Rimas (representing Councilor Fitzgerald) Buttonwood Street Traffic Calming Measures and Columbia Road The community survey results to give feedback…

General Membership Meeting, October 7, 2024

Host and Treasurer: Des RohanCorresponding Secretary: Elizabeth DoyleMinutes: Doreen MillerNumber in attendance: ~15 (In-person); 43 (Zoom) Police Report (Officer Keaney) 9/13, 6:55PM Ryan Playground. Four men were drinking in public. Three left, and the 4th, a 36-year-old male, stayed to…

Safety Committee Meeting Minutes, 9/17/24

Chairs: Jennifer Deabler, Dianne LescinskasMinutes: Doreen MillerGuests: Amanda Curley (Chief of Staff for Councilor Fitzgerald),              Madison Foley (Community Liaison for Mayor Wu) # in attendance on Zoom: 35 Construction Projects in Savin Hill – Updates (Amanda Curley) There are currently…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 9/11/24

Chairs: Michelle Miller, Alix GiannettiMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Bill Walczak Budgetary Items for the Community Picnic Money on Hand ($3,650) $ 250 – City Councilor Fitzgerald sponsorship $ 400 – T-shirts $ 500 – Dedicated money unused…

General Membership Meeting Minutes – September 9, 2024

President: Bill WalczakVice President: Eileen BoyleTreasurer: Des RohanCorresponding Secretary: Elizabeth DoyleMinutes: Doreen Miller Guests: Senator Nick Collins, James Hobin # in attendance: 21 (In-Person); 33 (on Zoom) Police Report (Officer Keaney) 8/8, 4:35 AM, 735 Columbia Road (Blake House). Report…

Events Commitee Meeting Minutes, 7/30/24

Chair: Alix GiannettiMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Bill Walczak (CSHCA President), Celina Warot Community Picnic, September 21, Patten’s Cove, Noon-4 PM Alix will apply for the permits at least 45 days in advance. Our focus should be on:…