Tag Events Committee

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 9/26/23

Minutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Maeve Moloney Events Committee Business Card Heidi shared the prototype of a business card for our committee that includes the chairs, webpage and QR code on the back that takes you to the…

A Walking Tour of Savin Hill, 9/30/23

Savin Hill Walking Tour 2023 flyer

Join the Dorchester Historical Society and the Columbia-Savin Hill Civic Association on a walking tour of Savin Hill on Saturday, September 30, 2023 from 10am-11:30am. Meet in front of Cristo Rey highschool, 100 Savin Hill Ave. Learn about the people…

Savin Hill Neighborhood Yard Sale 2023

Savin Hill Yard Sale Map 2023

The Savin Hill Neighborhood Yard Sale is on Saturday, September 9th, 9am-2pm (rain date: Saturday, 9/16). Bring your shopping bags, put on your walking shoes, and browse through all the sales scattered throughout the neighborhood. See the attached map to…

Community Picnic, 8/19/23

2023 Community Picnic Flyer

2023 Community Picnic August 19, 2023 from 12-5pm at Pattens Cove in Savin Hill Celebrate the end of the summer with the Columbia-Savin Hill Civic Association at the 2nd annual Community Picnic! The Events Committee has planned a spectacular day for…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 7/31/23

Co-chairs: Alix Giannetti, Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Maeve, Heidi Moesinger The Community Picnic, August 19, 2023, 12 PM to 5 PM, No rain date. We have three sponsors of $500 each for a total of $1,500. McKinnon and…

2023 Community Picnic Fund Drive

Community Picnic Fund Drive Flyer

Dear Neighbors and Local Businesses: The CSHCA Events Committee is looking forward to hosting another great Community Picnic this year on Saturday, August 19! Last year we were so pleased and thankful to have so many individuals and businesses support…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 6/27/23

Chair and Host: Alix GiannettiMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Maeve Waldron-Lynch, Celina Warot Community Picnic, Saturday, August 19, noon to 5 PM Southline’s Sponsorship Southline will sponsor the food with Peter Brando recommended as a vendor. We can…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 6/6/23

Co-chair and Host: Alix GiannettiMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Michael Lydon, Katrina Martin, Heidi Moesinger, Celina Warot June 10th Shores Clean-up (Katrina Martin) Sponsored by Surfrider and UMB Urban Harbors Institute Saturday, June 10, from 10 AM – 1 PM…