Chairs: Jennifer Deabler, Dianne Lescinskas
Minutes: Doreen Miller
Guest: Sargent Tim Golden from C-11
Also in attendance: Liam Rimas for Councilor Fitzgerald
Blue Envelope Law
- It’s a new law that allowed autistic drivers to carry a blue envelope to hand over to police if they are pulled over.
- This protects the driver from any communicative misunderstandings as autistic people can have awkward social skills.
- Sargent Golden had heard of it and is sure it will be brought up during their next training sessions.
Walk Along Morrissey
- It was organized by Mary Knasas to highlight pedestrian concerns along the roadway from Freeport Street to JFK T station.
- In attendance were Jason Santos from the Transportation Department, other state officials, and some neighbors.
- They looked at and discussed the following issues:
- Barriers
- Compromised fencing along the roadway
- Speeding
- Lack of policing
- The erosion at the end of Fox Point Road that spills out over the walkway and into the roadway
- The collapsed guardrail at the end of Fox Point Road
The New Gate by the Dorchester Yacht Club (DYC)
- A new security gate has been installed at the small lot near the challenger’s field to deter public partying in that area late at night.
- Members of the DYC have a fob to open and access the property.
- Sgt. Golden will contact Rep. Dan Hunt to be sure emergency vehicles can access the property as well.
The Savin Hill Basketball and Tennis Courts
- Ryan Woods has informed the chairs that there is no funding for the renovations for this fiscal year.
- However, there will be funding for FY 26, which starts in the summer of 2025.
- There will be a publicized community process to discuss court design.
Walgreens on Dorchester Avenue
- The chairs recently did a walk through with Liam Rimas, someone from Senator Nick Collins office, and someone from ISD.
- ISD is well aware of the ongoing problems there.
- Neighbors are encouraged to call 311 to report things like trash, rats, and used needle problems.
- Call 911 for anything related to people problems – vagrancy, drug use, etc.
- When making a report, be sure to include dates and times that these things were observed, so that a record can be kept.
- Sgt. Golden stated that similar problems are epidemic with all pharmacies all over Dorchester as they attract drug addicts.
- Most pharmacies are understaffed and do not send out employees to confront individuals for safety reasons.
- Unfortunately, vagrancy and theft are not a high priority as stabbings, shootings, and domestic violence episodes take precedence.
- Neighbors are trying to get Walgreens relisted as a problem property.
Summer Planning
- Mayor Wu has a Summer Safety Plan, which will be released in the coming weeks and that focuses on stopping gun violence.
- Isaac Yablo is the Senior Advisor of Community Safety in Boston and is the contact person at City Hall.
- Boston Police do coordinate with the State police for issues down at the beach although due to low staffing levels the state police may be short-handed.
- Hot spots (based on last year’s data) will be patrolled on a regular basis.
- There is not much violence that occurs at the Savin Hill courts. Pot smoking is generally overlooked as handing out citations would create a hostile relationship to local police.
- You can email or call Sgt. Golden at C-11 with any observations of trouble. Include dates and times. Leave voice mail if there is no one there.
- It is best to call 911 at it creates a log. Be persistent in calling if help does not arrive and problems continue or increase.
- The police have been identifying shoplifters.
Speeding on Local Streets (Liam)
- There are no updates on getting speed humps any time soon in our area.
- There was a walk-through with Moran from BTD along Buttonwood Street.
- They are looking into putting in traffic calming measures.
- They are looking into possibly making the left turn from Columbia Road onto Dorchester Avenue a two-lane turn, which is what cars are doing anyway.
- Eversource has promised a speed hump by the courts upon completion of their work in that area.
- The chairs will continue to follow up on traffic calming measures for our area.