President and Host: Bill Walczak
Vice President: Eileen Boyle
Treasurer: Des Rohan
Corresponding Secretary: Elizabeth Doyle
Minutes: Doreen Miller
In-Person Meeting only at the Dorchester Yacht Club (DYC)
Total number in attendance: 72
Administrative and Miscellaneous
- There was no police report due to a funeral.
- The November General Meeting minutes were approved.
- The Treasurer’s Report indicates around $19,000 in the account after payments were made for the mural project.
- Thanks were expressed to the following:
- The DYC for use of their space
- Local businesses who donated food, and prizes for the raffles
- The Beautification Committee and volunteers who assembled and hung the Christmas wreaths along Dorchester Ave and Savin Hill Ave
- Bill mentioned that CSHCA has been in existence for 64 years.
- It was established for neighbors to get to know one another.
- Don Walsh claimed it was started as a place for Republicans and Protestants to get together.
- It was the result of merging of two associations: The Columbia Civic led by Tom Casey, and the Savin Hill Civic led by Kit Clark.
- Upcoming topics for the association include:
- Eliminating the graffiti and trash along our roadways
- Addressing the property tax issue
- Creating a Main Streets type of organization for Dorchester Avenue.
- Members are reminded to renew their membership for 2025 and to get involved in any of the committees. Members can renew their membership by using the online form and links.
Committee Missions and Updates
- The Safety Committee advocates for all issues relating to safety in the neighborhood. The members have been relentless in pushing for speed humps and in the ongoing issue at Walgreen’s.
- The Community Benefits Committee is focused on comprehensive planning for development in our area.
- The Government Affairs Committee is focusing on the Morrissey Commission and the future development of Glover’s Corner hoping to get ahead of the planning with a vision of our own.
- The Beautification Committee is involved in beautifying our neighborhood and has recently hung wreaths on poles along the major streets.
- The Public Health Committee is focused on issues related to public health such as clean beaches and water quality, as well as tree planting.
- The Events Committee plans various events throughout the year. The next event is Christmas Caroling on Tuesday, Dec. 10, from 5:30-6:30 PM, in front of Cristo Rey, 100 Savin Hill Avenue. There will be treats, hot cocoa, singing, and Santa!
- The Planning Committee works with developers and abutters on proposed projects in our neighborhood.
- Chairperson Kristine Hoag expressed frustration at the city community process and how the ZBA is rubber stamping projects that are not only inappropriate but that the overwhelming majority of abutters and the civic members oppose, with 20 Hinckley Street being the most recent example of the egregious disrespect shown by the ZBA.
- At the next meeting on December 10, 7 PM, on Zoom (link is on the CSHCA website calendar), Kristine would like to discuss strategies on how to rethink our role in the community process.
- What we are doing now is ineffective and is being disregarded by the city and the ZBA. What can we do differently?
- The developers and the city seem to be working together on what will be developed prior to and without community input. How can we get the city to listen to legitimate concerns of the abutters and neighborhood?
- Why did the BPDA write a letter of support for 20 Hinckley when our local city councilors, abutters, and neighbors were overwhelming opposed to the project?
- The CSHCA is for sensible and neighborhood-friendly, appropriate development in our area, not for overdevelopment or development at all costs.
- The ZBA is currently accountable to no one! How can we make them more accountable? What can be done?
- Members are urged to come to the December 10 Planning meeting to discuss and create strategies for these urgent issues.
Members Recognized for Their Contributions to Our Neighborhood
- David Butler was awarded and named CSHCA Resident of the Year 2024.
- He was active in many of the committees and until recently was an active member on the Executive Board, bringing good ideas to the table.
- Councilor Fitzgerald presented him with a Resolution of Recognition from the City of Boston.
- He was given a card, a Christmas plant, and a form to fill out for a brick at the Savin Hill Clock.
- Joanne Sullivan was awarded and named Outstanding City of Boston Worker of the Year 2024.
- She single-handedly keeps Dorchester Avenue and Savin Hill Avenue to the bridge clean of litter and debris, getting up early in the morning to do so.
- Councilor Fitzgerald presented her with a Resolution of Recognition from the City of Boston.
- She was given a card, a Christmas plant, and a form to fill out for a brick at the Savin Hill Clock.
Other Business
- The owners of a new bookstore “Just Book-ish” in Fields Corner spoke about their store located on the corner of Charles Street and Dorchester Avenue.
- They offer many genres of books.
- Beginning in January, there will be various types of programming from 2 PM – 9 PM such as storytelling, book groups, etc.
- They offer coffee, tea, pastries, and other foods. They have applied for a beer and wine license.
- Consider donating to the C-11 Toy Drive with money or a new toy.
- Last April Home Depot donated $100 worth of garden tools. CSHCA needs to write them a letter of thanks. Dorothy will give the name of the contact to Bill Walczak, who will send out the thank you.
- Councilor Fitzgerald has been urged to advocate for a Northeast Dorchester Planning District.

Councilor John Fitzgerald, CSHCA VP Eileen Boyle, CSHCA President Bill Walczak, David Butler, Susan Wadlington

Councilor John Fitzgerald, CSHCA Vice President Eileen Boyle, Joanne Sullivan, CSHCA President Bill Walczak