Co-chairs and hosts: Alix Giannetti, Michelle Miller
Minutes: Doreen Miller
Also in attendance: Celina Warot, Heidi Moesinger, Maeve, Katrina
Review of the Parks Clean-up
- At Pattens Cove
- Multiple bags of trash were accumulated.
- A member of DCR
- Arrived to pick up the trash bags,
- Did a walk-through,
- Noted that the knotweed needs to be removed,
- Was shown areas of low-hanging and dead branches that need to be trimmed,
- Was asked to partner with CSHCA for the Community Picnic.
- At Savin Hill Park
- Mostly underbrush, leaves, dead branches, and broken glass shards were cleared away from pathways and accessible areas.
- Someone from the new Urban Wilds department at the Parks Department came and handed out a map of all the invasive species that are in the park. It would be good to share that map with the greater community so people can begin to remove invasive plants.
The Plant and Bake Sale with a Plant Swap (Beautification Committee)
- The Events Committee will support the Beautification Committee in this event.
- Heidi and Doreen will update members after the Beautification Committee meeting tomorrow as to the exact place, day, and time.
Dorchester Day Parade, Sunday, June 4
- Kickoff is at 1 PM on Dorchester Ave. at Lower Mills. It is a 3.5 mile route.
- We hope to have some kind of vehicle (float or truck) with the CSHCA banner. Vinny Baker is a possible resource for a truck.
- The idea is to have a presence, as well as hand out treats and informational stickers with the CSHCA logo. Have different committees represented by a particular color – either agree on a color-coded shirt, or have T-shirts printed up for members to wear.
- Necessary steps
- Alix will fill out and submit the application to Kelly Walsh – the deadline is May 1.
- Heidi will create and share a Google Doc with the prices of candy, stickers, and T-shirts. It was recommended we plan on 10,000 pieces. Perhaps The Daily could get this at cost.
- At the May General Meeting:
- Michelle Miller will give an update on the parade.
- Request a vote on the budget to cover costs of candy, stickers, and T-shirts.
- Get a show of hands for the number of committee people who are interested in being part of the parade to determine how many T-shirts we might need. People who are interested can leave their email address in the chat for us to contact.
Feedback from the Questionnaire (Alix)
- There were 31 responses from mostly registered members (58.1%). Two people were in the 18-30 age group, 10 were in the 30-45 age group and the rest were mostly over 50. We need to find a way to engage the younger generation.
- Four people were interested in joining our committee. Alix reached out to them via email.
- A comment on the Native American Event had to do with the accessibility of the location, which was a challenge for lesser-able-bodied people.
- As for willingness to pay for certain events, only 2 said no, and 54 % said they would be willing to pay up to $20.
- 54% were interested in having senior events.
- 21 of 31 were interested in a Food Tour, with 6 maybes.
- Two mentioned barrier issues that included: accessibility, vegan and dairy-free food options, hearing impairment, strollers and young children.
- Ideas for Grants included:
- The Boston Foundation
- Starbucks
- The City of Boston
- Mass. Cultural Association
- Two people knew of local businesses that would be interested in sponsoring events. Alix will reach out to them.
- Alix will share the questionnaire results with the committee members.
Ideas for Senior Events
- Alix has been in contact with Carolyn, the manager of a local Dorchester orchestra “Me Too,” whose mission is to fight mental health stigma.
- They perform for free but also accept donations.
- They do interactive “Be Our Conductor” concerts, whereby anyone from the audience can get up and conduct the orchestra.
- For Seniors, it could be a listening concert, and for kids it could be more interactive.
- Perhaps this orchestra could open the Community Picnic.
- Alix will send us their website link and their video link.
- How do we reach seniors in the neighborhood?
- Advertise events as 55+ friendly, or 55+ Friends and Family
- Use word of mouth and flyers to distribute around the neighborhood.
- Look into providing chairs and making sure the event is easily accessible.
- Coordinate with Silver Sneakers, who brought in a senior group to the park last year.
- Celina agreed to look into groups and places that host senior events to get ideas.
- Good resources include:
- Bill Walczak who has many connections in the community.
- Dot Health
- Bay Cove
The Community Picnic, Saturday, August 12, Noon to 5 PM at Pattens Cove
- Different sponsorship opportunities for local businesses include:
- Location sponsor – Alix will reach out to Catherine O’Neil, liaison for Southline, to ask if they would be willing to sponsor the costs for the application fee, liability insurance, and the portapotties, as they did last year.
- Music sponsor plus generator rental – Councilor Baker covered this last year.
- Food Sponsor (new) –
- Price out costs for an estimated 75 – 100 people.
- A food trucks – Michelle Miller will look into options and pricing.
- Migs hotdogs – Michelle Miller will get a price. Grills could be set up in the parking lot of Southline.
- So Sabe catering – Maeve will get a price.
- DJs Market catering, Boston Street – Maeve will get a price.
- Shanti – Maeve will get a price.
- Pantry Pizza has been generous in the past.
- Line up the Boston Police for an ice-cream truck.
- Have coffee donated from one or more of the following: McKenna’s, The Daily, Starbucks, or Doughboy.
- Price out costs for an estimated 75 – 100 people.
- Activities
- Games, Raffling of gift cards, a possible caricature or landscape artist. Doreen will see if James Hobin, a local artist, might be interested.
- Music possibilities
- The “Me Too” Orchestra
- A folk singer trio
- Sand Machine
- Post requests for musicians on the bulletin board at the Record Company practice space in the Boston Media Group building on Morrissey. Alix will reach out to the Record Company musicians for the community picnic or open mic events coordinated with Savin Bar and Kitchen.
Impromptu Evening Music on the Hill
- Three times in the summer at the end of the summer months, preferable on different days, i.e. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Maeve will pick three dates with no conflicts with other CSHCA meetings on the calendar before we invite musicians.
- We should pay them $100 for 1.5-2 hours of music.
- We would need an amp, battery powered preferred, but Bill Walczak might be able to supply power if needed.
Dorchester Shores Clean-up, Saturday, June 10, 10 AM – 1 PM, rain or shine (Katrina)
- This is being organized by Surf Rider in coordination with the Urban Harbors Institute at UMass Boston.
- Mayor Wu has been invited to join.
- Set up will be next to the beach house restrooms on Malibu beach.
- People can pick up buckets, tongs or pokers to pick up trash, and a clip board to inventory the type of trash accumulated.
- Surf Rider will get the necessary permits and provide posters with a QR code to post in the neighborhood and on social media.
- Heidi said that if Urban Harbors Institute is unable to print the flyers, Quinn Graphics at UMB might do so as they like to be involved in community projects.
Action Items
- Chairs will check with Des Rohan about the availability of funds for our committee.
- Alix will
- Complete and submit the application for the Dorchester Day Parade.
- Share with us the guidelines for the parade.
- Share the spreadsheet of the Questionnaire answers.
- Share the YouTube and website link for the Me Too orchestra.
- Create a Google group for the Events Committee to facilitate correspondence.
- Work with Catherine O’Neil for Southline sponsorship at the Community Picnic.
- Heidi will
- Update the time and location of our next meeting on the CHSCA calendar: May 30,
6 PM, at McConnell Park picnic tables.
- Create and share a Google Doc with costs for parade items: candy, stickers, and T-shirts.
- Doreen will
- Check the minutes on estimated numbers of the picnic last year.
- Update members on the details of the Beautification Committee’s May Plant and Bake Sale after Wednesday’s meeting.
- Contact James Hobin about some kind of artistic paintings of the picnic.
- Michelle will
- Update members at the May general meeting of the parade plans and estimated costs, request a vote for funding, and get an idea of how many want to be in the parade – for ordering T-shirts.
- Look into pricing for food trucks and Mig’s Hotdogs for the Community Picnic.
- Celina will look into organizations and places that host senior events to get ideas and/or perhaps to collaborate on a joint event.
- Maeve will
- Get pricing for catering by So Sabe, Shanti, and DJs Market for 75-100 people at the Community Picnic.
- Pick three summer dates for Evening Music on the Hill.
- Katrina will keep us up to date on the June 10 Dorchester Shores Clean-up. We can help to hang flyers in the neighborhood to advertise.
The next meeting is Tuesday, May 30, 6 PM at the McConnell Park picnic tables.