Dear Neighbors and Local Businesses:
The CSHCA Events Committee is looking forward to hosting another great Community Picnic this year on Saturday, August 19!
Last year we were so pleased and thankful to have so many individuals and businesses support us. This year, we are looking to grow the event and need your support to make it happen! We are now collecting individual donations, providing sponsorship opportunities, and collecting raffle items to help with raising the money needed to host such a fun event for everyone.
If you are a local business and would like to co-sponsor the event, please send us an email
Individual donations can be directed to: our Committee Co-Chair Alix Giannetti via Venmo @AlixGiannetti or our Association Treasurer, Des Rohan via Venmo @Des-Rohan or you can write a check to “CSHCA”
any additional questions can be directed to: