Community Benefits Meeting Agenda for 2/16/23

The Next Community Benefits Committee Meeting will be on 2/16/23 at 7pm at the Savin Hill Yacht Club.


  1. Status  up-date

         -new 10k housing units, 7m sq ft  commercial space    (22k residents; 30k commuters)

         -City of Boston “Community Benefits” Requirements;  could be $100m

                                –“……mitigate adverse impacts of large developments on local community…”

        – CSHCA  efforts  to  date; five priorities for CB funds and letters to officials

                                –Comprehensive Planning and Infrastructure

        -latest  information; $750,000 to be given directly to CSHCA by Center Court Developers;            $3m to be added to Community Benefits Funds” by Dorchester Bay City Developers for Dorcheste non profitsr, not directly to CSHCA (as Center Court proposes)

         -City and State Planning Commission for Morrissey Blvd/ Kosciusko Circle

  • Outreach up-date

        -initial contact/target list


        -next steps

        3.   Priorities

                      -begin assigning dollar amounts  (or percentages of amounts)on the CB Funds

  • CSHCA  $ 750,000 distribution

        -initial ideas; no prioritization or specific amounts tonight     (February 16))

        -follow-up meetings to discuss and begin prioritization    (March  to May)  ????

        -active discussions to finalize prioritization    (June)   ????

        -review what is needed for CSHCA to receive and manage $3.75m

                               –501 C 3    or 501 C 4  or  ???

                               — who “manages” the funds  ??  CSHCA President, Ex Board, new committee ??

                               –determine process for allocating the $750k

        5.    New name  (identity ?) for expanded CSHCA neighborhood

                     -Freeport St, Morrissey Blvd, Columbia Point, McCormick Housing Project, South Bay,                                                                       Uphams Corner, Hancock St

        6. Next steps