Actions needing clarity, structure, responsibility and By Law Amendments/Additions
- Who can initiate a spending request?
-any committee can submit proposed budget requests to the Executive Board two months before a new year
-during a year, the Ex Board can change any particular budget amount or approve emergency/special spending but must get membership approval
- Who is first responder/reviewer of all spending requests?
-individual committees
-Executive Board (E Bd can develop own spending projects)
- Who “packages” or submits to membership for discussion/vote?
-Ex Board develops the annual budget; approving, modifying or denying committee requests
- Who is responsible for ongoing budget/spending status?
-monthly report to membership
- Who presents budget/spending reports to membership/Ex bd?
- Who determines disbursement schedule for approved items?
-committee chairs
- Who actually signs our checks authorized by an approved budget?
-any two of the President, Vice President or Treasurer
- Who selects/works with bank for deposits?
- Are there spending guidelines for different size expenditures that are not in an approved budget?
-$100 or under, one signature required (President/VP/Treasurer)
-between $101 and $1,000, any two of the President/VP/Treasurer can write checks without notifying membership of specific amounts (membership approval not required)
-$1,001 and above, the membership must approve; special summer membership meeting required; two signatures required (P/VP/T)
-in all instances, total annual budget cannot be exceeded without special membership approval
- Should we have a multi year budget?
-detailed budget for current year and total budgeted dollars for succeeding two years
11. Should we set new thresholds (ie years of service on Ex Bd) for Pres, VP, Treasurer?
-before anyone can be elected President, Vice President or Treasurer, they must serve one year on the Ex Board
- Who can actually hire a consultant?
-only the Ex Board (assuming the dollars are included in the annual budget)
- Should we hire consultants or employees?
-consultants (requires a Form 1099)
-hiring employers requires different level of reporting (W-4)
-needs more discussion
15. Do we need to upgrade the CSHCA Mission Statement and By-laws?