Community Benefits Committee Meeting Minutes, 5/17/23
1. Update -Usual: 10k + 7m = $100m Community Benefits Funds for Dorchester -minimal response from public officials regarding allotment of CB funds -need to continue to push our priorities…
1. Update -Usual: 10k + 7m = $100m Community Benefits Funds for Dorchester -minimal response from public officials regarding allotment of CB funds -need to continue to push our priorities…
Planning Committee Meeting, May 9th 7:00pm Dial in: 929-205-6099; Meeting ID: 899 3078 7267 All projects voted on in the Planning Committee are intended to be presented to the General Membership for a final vote before a letter is sent to the ZBA, or other…
President: Elizabeth DoyleVice-President: Eileen BoyleMinutes: Doreen MillerSpecial Guest: Jennifer Johnson, Candidate for City Council District 3Number in attendance: 31 (zoom), approx. 18 (In person) Police Report (Officer Keaney) April 21, 9:23 AM, 6 Seaview Terrace. A breaking and entering was…
Co-chairs and hosts: Alix Giannetti, Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Celina Warot, Heidi Moesinger, Maeve, Katrina Review of the Parks Clean-up At Pattens Cove Multiple bags of trash were accumulated. A member of DCR Arrived to pick up the…
1. Update Reminder that the CB committee was charged with developing the CSHCA “priorities” for the allocation of the city mandated Community Benefits associated with the huge developments expected (10k housing units and 7m sq ft commercial). This committee…
Chair and host: Dianne LescinskasMinutes: Doreen MillerGuest: John Ulrich, Assistant Commissioner of Environmental ServicesAlso in attendance: Mary DiCicco, Heidi Moesinger, James Newton, Johnny Nguyen, Kat Tran, Celina Warot Updates on the Rat Problem (John Ulrich) Environmental Services This is the…
President: Elizabeth DoyleVice-President: Eileen BoyleMinutes: Doreen MillerSpecial Guest: Joel Richards, Candidate for City Council, District 3Number in attendance: On zoom – 37, In-person – 12 Police Updates (Sgt. Golden) The announcement of the death of Officer Keaney’s wife was made.…
Co-chairs: Alix Giannetti, Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Elizabeth Doyle, Katrina Martin, Heidi Moesinger Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 1 The current forecast is for significant rain. A decision to reschedule to Sunday, April 2 at 10 AM, will…
Meeting SummaryThe committee focused on: Update of key factors driving committee’s efforts ; basically, a replay of prior meetings-10k housing units and 7m sq ft of commercial space; planned by city project by project, not comprehensively-actual amount of total Community…