Category Meetings

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 9/26/23

Minutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Maeve Moloney Events Committee Business Card Heidi shared the prototype of a business card for our committee that includes the chairs, webpage and QR code on the back that takes you to the…

Safety Committee Meeting Minutes, 9/19/23

Co-chairs: Dianne Lescinskas, Jennifer DeablerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Jake W. Walgreen’s Update The chairs met on Friday, 9/15, with the new district manager. The purpose of the meeting was to gather information and relay those concerns to…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, September 2023

9/11/2023 CSHCA General MeetingHost and President: Elizabeth DoyleVice President: Eileen BoyleMinutes: Doreen MillerSpecial Guests: District 3 Candidate Ann Walsh,Executive Director New Market Business District Sue Sullivan,Director of the UMASS OLLI Program Jim Hermelbracht Number in attendance: In person: 17, On…

Community Benefits Meeting Minutes, 8/16/23

The 8/16/23 CSHCA Community Benefits Committee focused on the distinction between Community Benefits funds that are required of large developments versus the $750k “gift” that the CSHCA has been offered by one developer (Center Court).  For the Morrissey Boulevard’s three…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 7/31/23

Co-chairs: Alix Giannetti, Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Maeve, Heidi Moesinger The Community Picnic, August 19, 2023, 12 PM to 5 PM, No rain date. We have three sponsors of $500 each for a total of $1,500. McKinnon and…