Category Meetings

Agenda For December 4 General Meeting

CSHCA General Meeting Agenda Monday December 4th, 2017 Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Police Report ——————————- Announcements RENEW your membership for 2018: $5 Individual or $25 You can pay at meeting or send Checks payable to CSHCA can be sent to…

New CSHCA Committee Forming

The Columbia Savin Hill Civic Association is forming a new committee to address our desires for potential development sites. While our current Planning Committee responds to individual development proposals, the new committee will help create the community’s interests in sites that have obvious…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, October 2017

Meeting minutes of the October 2nd general membership meeting: Meeting called to order Police report Boy Scouts Councilor Annissa Essaibi George spoke about her experience as a teacher and how she has been able to help children who are homeless. She…

Agenda for The November 6th General Meeting

General Meeting Agenda Monday November 6, 2017 Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Police Report Announcements: RENEW your membership for 2018: $5.00 for individuals or $25.00 for merchants. Please make checks payable to CSHCA. New members should submit a completed CSHCA Membership Form…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, September 2017

Meeting minutes of the September 11, 2017 general membership meeting: Meeting called to order Pledge of Allegiance Police report Pledge/moment of silence Police report Introduction of this year’s E-Board Tito Jackson spoke about his campaign, followed by q&a David Cotter…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, June 2017

Meeting minutes of the June 5, 2017 general membership meeting: Meeting called to order Pledge of Allegiance Police report Recognition of the late William Lynch Announcement: Dan Brennan not seeking re-election as Treasurer, contrary to announcement at May meeting. Nicole…