Category Meetings

Agenda: Tonight’s Eboard And Planning Meeting

The agenda for this evening’s Eboard and Planning meeting: Eboard & Planning Meeting: February 13, 2018 Eboard Agenda- Starts at 6:30 pm Chili Cookoff: Need 3 volunteers to assist with chili (March 11) State Senate Candidates Night: Dorchester Civic Organizing…

Agenda For January 8 General Meeting

Below is the agenda for this evening’s general meeting: Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Police Report ——————————- Announcements RENEW your membership for 2018: $5 Individual or $25 You can pay at meeting or send Checks payable to CSHCA can…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, December 2017

Meeting minutes from the December 4th general membership meeting: Meeting called to order Police report Motion to give $100 to the tree lighting committee passed Representative Hunt gave an update on his work Recognition of small business donations Phil Carver…