Category Meetings

Mark Your Calendars!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! We have POSTPONED the planting until NEXT SATURDAY, November 3rd… same place and time. See you there!! Boston Blooms Our annual Daffodil planting will occur Saturday, November 3rd. We have 500 bulbs to plant from the City.…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, September 2018

Meeting minutes from the September 10th general meeting: Meeting called to order Pledge of Allegiance Police report Announcements: Glover’s Corner meetings Blue Bikes v. Ant Bikes Election coming up November 6th. Speakers before then Need volunteers to plant daffodils Van…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, May 2018

Meeting minutes from the May 7, 2018 general meeting: Meeting called to order Pledge Police report Motion to pay bill of $117.00 for supplies for the cleanup Patrick Vandell, new neighborhood liaison at the Boston Mayor’s office, introduced himself. He…