Category Meetings

Safety Committee Minutes, 6/21/22

CSHCA Safety Committee Meeting, 6/21/22Co-chairs: Jennifer Deabler and Dianne Lescinskas.Minutes: Doreen MillerSpecial Guests: Officer Keamy, Captain Burns, Deputy Lanita Cullinane Updates Firework activity Call 911 for illegal use of fireworks. If someone is selling fireworks, call 311 or the CSO…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, June 2022

CSHCA General Membership Meeting June 6, 2022President: Elizabeth Doyle, Vice-President: Eileen BoyleMinutes: Doreen MillerNumber in attendance 68 BPD Updates – Officer Keamy 5/5, 8:50 PM – motor vehicle with no taillights stopped. A bag of ecstacy pills was on the…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 5/31/22

Chairs: Michelle Miller and Alix GiannettiMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Elizabeth Doyle Past Events Review Savin Hill Park Tour, May 15 Turnout was good, around 20 people. Heidi took photos. Matt the videographer took video. Alix will be…

Safety Committee Minutes, 5/17/22

CSHCA Safety Committee Meeting, 5/17/22Chairs: Dianne Lescinskas, Jennifer DeablerMinutes: Doreen Miller Updates from George Huynh Re: Fireworks The city is hoping to institute a dedicated phone number for firework issues. We should know more by summer. In the meantime, call…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 5/3/22

Co-chairs: Michelle Miller, Alix GiannettiMinutes: Doreen MillerIn attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Celina Warot, Elizabeth Doyle McConnell Park Grand Opening Liz of the Parks Department will join us at the May 31st meeting. The Parks Department will take the lead on this.…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, May 2022

General Membership Meeting, May 2, 2022 • 7:00pmon Zoom and in person at Boston Collegiate Charter School, 215 Sydney St Meeting Minutes Police Report (7:00-7:20) We’ll be joined by representatives from the BPD 3 minor incidents Last 28 days •…