Category Meetings

CSHCA General Meeting Minutes, January 2023

President and host: Elizabeth Doyle Vice President: Eileen Boyle Minutes: Doreen MillerSpecial Guest: Ross Cochran, Community Liaison for Dorchester Number in attendance: 54 Police Report (Officer Keamy) January 2, 10:50 PM, robbery at 71 Pleasant Street. Man goes to meet…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 1/3/23

Chairs: Alix Giannetti, Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger Review of Caroling Event Well attended by families with children Ideas for next year Start a bit later to accommodate working parents. Rehearse a core group of singers beforehand…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes – December 5, 2022

President and host: Elizabeth DoyleMinutes: Doreen Miller# in attendance: on Zoom – 14; unknown number in-person Police Report Officer Keamy 11/6, 8 PM – unarmed robbery at 84 Savin Hill Avenue. Mother and daughter, returning from shopping, confronted someone trying…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 11/29/22

Co-chairs: Alix Giannetti, Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger Christmas Caroling, Wed. December 14, meet at 5 PM at the tennis courts Publicizing Michelle has posted flyers on Facebook and Instagram, at Honey Comb and McKennas, as well…

Safety Committee Meeting Minutes, 11/15/22

Co-chairs: Dianne Lescinskas, Jennifer DeablerMinutes: Doreen MillerIn attendance: Donna Blythe-McColgan, Elizabeth Doyle, Heather Harris, Heidi Moesinger Walgreens, 1100 Dorchester Avenue Ongoing Issues Rats, garbage Homeless people loitering, and drug addicts shooting up Public defecation on a frequent basis Man armed…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes – November 7, 2022

President: Elizabeth DoyleVice-President: Eileen BoyleMinutes: Doreen Miller# in attendance: 40 CSHCA Holiday Party at the top floor of The Daily, Dec. 5 (Des Rohan) Hybrid meeting to start at 7 PM, end with the social hour. Survey link to determine…

Outreach & Engagement Committee Meeting, 10/17/22

Postcard Campaign Postcard design approved Mailing list in progress Video The committee is still interested in creating an informational video promoting the civic association and its committees. 1. Draft a script 2. Borrow/rent a video camera 3. Edit 4. Post…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes – October 3, 2022

President: Elizabeth DoyleVice-President and host: Eileen BoyleMinutes: Doreen Miller# in attendance: 40 Police Report (Officer Keamy) 9/30 18 Chase Street, house break in between 7:30-9:30 PM, dark-skinned male in mask and black and white Nike’s, caught on neighbor’s video, broke…