Category Documents

Proposed Structure for “Spending” $750K

COLUMBIA SAVIN HILL CIVIC ASSOCIATION Community Benefits Committee January 22, 2025 DRAFT Proposed Structure for “spending” $750k DRAFT The following is intended to form a “structure” for the CSHCA to use as it plans, budgets and spends our gift of…

Community Benefits Committee, Actions Needing Clarity in By-Laws, 1/18/24

                        CSHCA                    COMMUNITY  BENEFITS  COMMITTEE               JANUARY 18,  2024                    Actions needing clarity, structure, responsibility and By Law Amendments/Additions Who can initiate a spending request?             -any committee can submit proposed budget requests to the Executive Board  two months before…

CSHCA By-Laws Update

The below side-by-side text comparison shows the CSHCA’s current by-laws and the proposed new by-laws that were worked on by an ad hoc by-laws committee over many months and then reviewed by the executive team. Please review for discussion at…