Morrissey Boulevard Commission, Meeting #2
Slide Presentation:
Slide Presentation:
General Membership Meeting February 4th, 2024 – Hybrid with in person at Boys and Girls Club 1135 Dorchester Ave (4th flr). The February 4th CSHCA GENERAL MEETING will BE A HYBRID MEETING BOTH IN PERSON AND ON ZOOM Zoom: The above link will take…
Planning Updates & points of interest Next Planning Meeting: February 13th, 7pm, ZoomGeneral Membership Meeting Tonight, February 5th 7pm 33 Crescent Street: Abutter’s Meeting February 7th 6pm 33 Crescent Street: Proposal to raze an existing 2-family and construct a new 3-story 9-unit…
COMMUNITY BENEFITS COMMITTEE JANUARY 18, 2024 7pm, Savin Hill Yacht Club, Morrissey Blvd.…
President: Bill WalczakVice President: Eileen BoyleTreasurer: Des RohanMinutes: Doreen MillerSpecial Guests: Zach Stanley, Executive Director of Bioversity; DYC Lawyer from Buchanan and Associates Number in attendance: 25 (in person); 30 (on Zoom) Bill Walczak Introduced himself as the new president,…
January Agenda 243D Savin Hill Avenue: Proponent will present their proposal to build a single family home on a vacant lot on Morrissey Boulevard and Savin Hill Ave. This is a presentation only, proponent is not requesting a vote. Proponent had…
Join neighbors in front of Cristo Rey, 100 Savin Hill Ave, on 12/12/23 from 5:30pm-7pm for caroling, cocoa, candy canes, and santa!
PLANNING December 12th Preliminary Agenda & other points of interest Agenda 135 Morrissey Boulevard, Southline: Presentation of updated plans for an additional wing. See slide deck HERE. This is a presentation only. This project was approved at the June 5th General Membership meeting…
President: Elizabeth DoyleVice President: Eileen BoyleTreasurer: Des RohanMinutes: Doreen MillerNumber in attendance on Zoom: 19; In person: 30? Police Report (Officer Keaney) 11/21, 3 AM. A speeding car on Columbia Road and Dorchester Ave ran a red light and was…
Chairs: Alix Giannetti, Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger Caroling Event, Tuesday, Dec. 12, 5:30 – 7 PM, with a rain date of Wed. Dec. 13 We would like to hold this stationary event in the front yard…