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Art in the Park, 9/29/24, 2pm-4pm

Join us for an open air Art Studio Event on Sunday, September 29th from 2pm-4pm at Savin Hill Park on Grampian Way near the basketball courts. Meet local artists. Have fun with exciting art activities for all ages. Come discover…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 9/24/24

Chair: Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in Attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Bill Walczak Community Picnic Review It was a good turn-out in spite of the rainy weather and last-minute relocation to First Parish Church. People enjoyed connecting with neighbors and friends. Kids…

Safety Committee Meeting Minutes, 9/17/24

Chairs: Jennifer Deabler, Dianne LescinskasMinutes: Doreen MillerGuests: Amanda Curley (Chief of Staff for Councilor Fitzgerald),              Madison Foley (Community Liaison for Mayor Wu) # in attendance on Zoom: 35 Construction Projects in Savin Hill – Updates (Amanda Curley) There are currently…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 9/11/24

Chairs: Michelle Miller, Alix GiannettiMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Bill Walczak Budgetary Items for the Community Picnic Money on Hand ($3,650) $ 250 – City Councilor Fitzgerald sponsorship $ 400 – T-shirts $ 500 – Dedicated money unused…

General Membership Meeting Minutes – September 9, 2024

President: Bill WalczakVice President: Eileen BoyleTreasurer: Des RohanCorresponding Secretary: Elizabeth DoyleMinutes: Doreen Miller Guests: Senator Nick Collins, James Hobin # in attendance: 21 (In-Person); 33 (on Zoom) Police Report (Officer Keaney) 8/8, 4:35 AM, 735 Columbia Road (Blake House). Report…

Events Commitee Meeting Minutes, 7/30/24

Chair: Alix GiannettiMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger, Bill Walczak (CSHCA President), Celina Warot Community Picnic, September 21, Patten’s Cove, Noon-4 PM Alix will apply for the permits at least 45 days in advance. Our focus should be on:…