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Community Benefits Meeting Agenda for 2/16/23

The Next Community Benefits Committee Meeting will be on 2/16/23 at 7pm at the Savin Hill Yacht Club. AGENDA Status  up-date          -new 10k housing units, 7m sq ft  commercial space    (22k residents; 30k commuters)          -City of Boston “Community…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes – February 6, 2023

President: Elizabeth DoyleVice President: Eileen BoyleMinutes: Doreen MillerSpecial Guests: Nick Carreira, Walgreens District Manager; Theresa Texeira, BCCE Program ManagerNumber in attendance: 47 Police Report (Officer Keamy) 1/12, 6:37 AM, Breaking and Entering at 227 Savin Hill Avenue. 31-year-old black male…

Fill Out the Events Committee Survey!

The events committee put together a survey to get feedback from all of our neighbors to see what type of events you are interested in and how we can do better going forward with events planning. Seeing neighbors’ answers to…

Community Benefits Committee Meeting Minutes, 1/19/23

Meeting Summary The committee focused on: Efforts to reach out to potential supporters of Comprehensive Planning -we reviewed our Target lists; heard comments; encouraged continued outreach -suggestion that CSHCA organize a public meeting with targets and potential partners; general agreement to…

Safety Committee Meeting Minutes, 01/17/2023

Chairs: Dianne Lescinskas, Jennifer DeablerMinutes: Doreen Miller# in attendance: 14Guests: Representative Dan Hunt, Community Liaison Ross Cochran Savin Hill Bridge Work Dianne shared the following email update from Michael Aldridge: Updates from Rep. Dan Hunt Two major support beams running…

CSHCA General Meeting Minutes, January 2023

President and host: Elizabeth Doyle Vice President: Eileen Boyle Minutes: Doreen MillerSpecial Guest: Ross Cochran, Community Liaison for Dorchester Number in attendance: 54 Police Report (Officer Keamy) January 2, 10:50 PM, robbery at 71 Pleasant Street. Man goes to meet…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 1/3/23

Chairs: Alix Giannetti, Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger Review of Caroling Event Well attended by families with children Ideas for next year Start a bit later to accommodate working parents. Rehearse a core group of singers beforehand…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes – December 5, 2022

President and host: Elizabeth DoyleMinutes: Doreen Miller# in attendance: on Zoom – 14; unknown number in-person Police Report Officer Keamy 11/6, 8 PM – unarmed robbery at 84 Savin Hill Avenue. Mother and daughter, returning from shopping, confronted someone trying…

Events Committee Meeting Minutes, 11/29/22

Co-chairs: Alix Giannetti, Michelle MillerMinutes: Doreen MillerAlso in attendance: Heidi Moesinger Christmas Caroling, Wed. December 14, meet at 5 PM at the tennis courts Publicizing Michelle has posted flyers on Facebook and Instagram, at Honey Comb and McKennas, as well…