Co-chairs: Alix Giannetti, Michelle Miller
Minutes: Doreen Miller
Also in attendance: Katrina Martin, Heidi Moesinger, Celina Warot
Events for 2025
•April Park Clean-up. Chairs will consult with Bill Walczak and Kirk as to the time and day. The committee will support them in their efforts.
•Easter Egg Hunt. Chairs will consult with Brianna from the Mother’s Group as to the date.
•May Beautification Committee’s Plant and Bake Sale. We will support their efforts.
•Dorchester Day Parade, June 1.
•Surfrider Beach Clean-up, June 7th from 9 AM-12 PM. We will work with Katrina on that.
•Art in the Park, Sunday, June 22 with a rain date of Sunday, June 29.
oDoreen hopes to expand this event by bringing in Dot Art and/or the Boys’ and Girls’ Club art program and work with James Hobin to bring in Janet Lynch and other possible local artists.
o$1,000 has been submitted in the budget for this event.
oMembers would like to see an instructive component in this event to guide people.
oTwo sections are suggested: one for kids and one for adults.
•Community Picnic, Saturday, August 23, with a rain location.
oChairs will work with Catherine O’Neil to secure the indoor Southline location as an option in case of rain.
oPeople were pleased with Lord Dawgs food truck and would like to see the same this year.
oDetails will be discussed and solidified in future meetings.
•Neighborhood Yard Sale, Saturday, Sept. 6 with a rain date of Saturday, Sept. 13. This annual event is organized by Heidi.
•Music in the Park, Sunday, September 21 with a rain location.
oPossible rain locations include:
▪Cristo Rey auditorium – we should make a donation for use of the space
▪Dorchester Tire Cultural site
▪The Polish Club – Celina will check what their fee is.
oHeidi would like to see a full acoustic event with no need for amplification if possible.
oIdeas for musicians include:
▪Me/2 Orchestra
▪Opera Singer
▪Bagpipers?? (check who the bagpipers were at the Dorchfest)
▪Heidi will reach out to the UMB conductor and local music schools for possible musicians to perform.
•Historic Walking Tour with Earl Taylor – date TBD
oWe envision a walk along Pleasant Street ending with a tour of the Blake House.
oHeidi will reach out to Earl and cc Alix.
•Halloween Parade in October organized by the Mothers’ Group.
•Beautification Committee’s Fall Bulb Sale- In the past this has coincided with either the Music in the Park event or the Halloween Parade. We will support the Beautification Committee in their efforts.
•City Christmas Tree Lighting at Ryan’s Playground, Sat. November 29. Alix will work with Des on this and encourages others to help out if they are in town.
•Christmas Caroling, December 10 with a rain date of December 17.
oThis 2024 event was disappointing in that kids were running around out of control and noisy, and very few adults were actually joining in the singing.
oWe agree it should return to being a walking event of caroling on local streets for adults only.
▪Numbers should be limited to secure the safety of those participating.
▪People should sign up to participate.
▪We can meet in front of the Daily and walk from there.
▪Details will be worked out in future meetings.
Other Business
•Michelle will submit the 2025 Budget we reviewed to Bill Walczak for the E-Board to approve before bringing to a membership vote.
•Michelle noted that the Ryan’s Playground Mural has been graffitied. Doreen will bring this to the attention of local artist James Hobin, who spearheaded the painting of the mural.