Co-chairs: Alix Gianetti and Michelle Miller
Minutes: Doreen Miller
Also in attendance: Kirk Carapezza, Heidi Moesinger, Celina Warot
Annual Savin Hill Clean-Up
- Saturday, April 6, 9 AM – 2 PM on a drop-in basis. Rain Date: Sunday, April 7
- There will be three locations this year: the hill, the cove, and along the highway on Savin Hill Avenue. Dorothy Manning is taking the lead on the area by the highway.
- She should reach out to members of the Wildlife Garden for volunteers.
- Alix will reach out to Lavinia, Elizabeth Doyle, and Julianne Kennedy to see if they want the Beautification Committee to get involved.
- Alix will update the flyer from last year to highlight its 40th Anniversary and new dates.
- She and Michelle will print the flyers.
- The flyers will also be posted on social media sites, the CSHCA website, and on local utility poles.
- Kirk will contact the Parks Department for garbage and leaf bags, tools, and gravel for fill in.
- If he is unable to get gravel, he will get a quote on pricing and present to the CSHCA for membership funding approval.
- Tools should include rakes and trash picks.
- Alix has gloves from last year.
- Alix has been trying to get DCR to trim dead tree limbs in the cove area.
- She should reach out to 311 to make a report.
- She should contact Representative Dan Hunt to follow up on this issue.
- Kirk will approach The Daily to supply boxes of coffee.
- Alix will get donuts from Dunkin Donuts.
Save the Harbor Save the Bay Grant Money
- The application has been submitted.
- There was a lot of emphasis on diversity in our organization.
- They would like to see flyers posted in multiple languages. We would need a translator for this, especially for Vietnamese as we have a large community here.
- The application process closes March 1.
- Announcements are made April 1.
- Applicants are encouraged to go to the Shamrock Splash at Constitution Beach in East Boston on March 10 as this will boost chances of getting funding.
- Michelle might be able to make it.
- A request to CSHCA membership for representation will be made at the next general membership meeting on March 4.
Boston Bowl Event
- The quote for pricing seems too high: $20 per person plus shoe rental.
- This idea has been tabled for now. We should consider alternative social gatherings.
Dorchester Day Parade Float
- Alix or Michelle will present the float idea at the March membership meeting.
- We are looking for volunteers to be on the parade committee.
Art in the Park
- Local artist James Hobin is willing to lead this event.
- It could be either the last weekend in September or the first weekend in October.
- Doreen will work with James on the details to determine
- Preferred date
- Type of paint – watercolor?
- Materials, tables, chairs….
- His compensation rate
- Location in the park
The next Events Committee meeting is Tuesday, March 26, 7 PM on Zoom. The link is on the CSHCA website calendar.