Tag UMass

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, December 2017

Meeting minutes from the December 4th general membership meeting: Meeting called to order Police report Motion to give $100 to the tree lighting committee passed Representative Hunt gave an update on his work Recognition of small business donations Phil Carver…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, October 2017

Meeting minutes of the October 2nd general membership meeting: Meeting called to order Police report Boy Scouts Councilor Annissa Essaibi George spoke about her experience as a teacher and how she has been able to help children who are homeless. She…

CSHCA Meeting Minutes, September 2017

Meeting minutes of the September 11, 2017 general membership meeting: Meeting called to order Pledge of Allegiance Police report Pledge/moment of silence Police report Introduction of this year’s E-Board Tito Jackson spoke about his campaign, followed by q&a David Cotter…